Untuk makluman semua, ibu ini lebih mesra ummi kenali sebagai IRMA...baru melahirkan seorang anak lelaki (anak ke tiga)...tetapi bayi irma lahir bersama masalah dan terpaksa di tahan di ICU tambahan pula berat di kecil tidak mencukupi...sebulan berlalu dan ummi sms bertanyakan keadaan si ibu dan anak kini...so, inilah kisah suka dan duka yang ingin di kongsi ...mudah2an akan lbh memberikan semangat kepada semua ibu2 di luar sana agar terus berjuang memberikan susu ibu...Jom baca...
as salam kak nadia,
sory for my late email. tak berkesempatan nak karang in daytime..anak2 sibuk nak tolong jugak heheheh.... as per my sms, alhamdulillah irma dan bb sihat. mmg sekarang irma make sure irma tak pernah tinggalkan supplement intake. it really gives me a great proof of fast and smooth recovery from bersalin and bb pun sihat and meningkat berat badan gradually.
as akak tau, after delivery, my bb terus kena masuk neonatal icu sbb he got lungs infection and weak lungs. for 9 days he is under the assistance of oxygen machine and undergo for several antibiotics regime... masa tu mmg Allah shj yg tau kesedihan hati ni kak, tgk ur baby kena cucuk sana sini dekat tgn, tapak kaki, betis, lengan sbb doctor needs blood sample to monitor the effectiveness of their antibiotics...dgn hidung ade oxygen tiub, mulut pun masuk tiub....( bila irma dah dpt bwk blik bb, irma kira EACH hand and feet dia ade 1 dozen bekas cucuk amik darah!!!)
masa tuh, the only closest thing of a mother love yg irma bole bg is breastmilk. sbb bb dlm incubator, tak bole nak dukung, belai. sbb tu irma kelam kabut call akak minta nasihat sbb i need to produce breastmilk asap to send to my bb yg dlm icu. alhamdulillah my set B mmg still byk lagi, after delivery mmg quickly consume all the supplement and alhamdulillah plus ur advice to encourage me....tq kak.
in the icu my bb kena puasa bout 5 days...tapi irma hantar je ebm as soon irma dah dpt perah. mcm akak advice, irma pumping ikut jadual to make sure milk supply, sbb irma tak dpt stimulation from bb, dgn sedih bb kat icu, dgn nak recover post delivery...mmg challeging nak stabil kan mood and tenang kan hati...doa je la penawar disamping usaha menyihatkan bdn cepat2 dgn suplement and madu. nurse kat icu pernah tegur irma, "awak hantar ni, susu bdn ke?, banyaknye...(sbb every morning and evening irma pegi hospital hantar susu yg irma dah separatekan 1oz each container, hantar dlm 5-6 bekas each visits) at that point irma tau that my supplement intake has gives me its benefits!
now, my bb is healthy, eventhough doctor said he's lungs is still sensitive until he turn 1 year old, irma tau yang insya'allah my bb is given the best antibiotics ever, my BREASTMILK!! to help protect him, with Allah grace and mercy....Now after 1 month old, my bb gain 1 kg of weight, considering the 1st week dia kena puasa, so secara tepatnye, in 3 weeks shj dia dah gain 1 kg!
my third delivery ni mmg full of bittersweet experience, tapi satu pengajarannye...irma dah semakin displin amik supplement, masa preggy ade juga ponteng2 amik supplement sbb malas/lupa...hehehe
tq Allah for His mercy and love, tq akak for ur knowledgable kind advices ,may Allah bless u with the hardworks u put in breastfeeding awareness towards all mothers...please keep in touch kak nadia...love you!
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sory for my late email. tak berkesempatan nak karang in daytime..anak2 sibuk nak tolong jugak heheheh.... as per my sms, alhamdulillah irma dan bb sihat. mmg sekarang irma make sure irma tak pernah tinggalkan supplement intake. it really gives me a great proof of fast and smooth recovery from bersalin and bb pun sihat and meningkat berat badan gradually.
as akak tau, after delivery, my bb terus kena masuk neonatal icu sbb he got lungs infection and weak lungs. for 9 days he is under the assistance of oxygen machine and undergo for several antibiotics regime... masa tu mmg Allah shj yg tau kesedihan hati ni kak, tgk ur baby kena cucuk sana sini dekat tgn, tapak kaki, betis, lengan sbb doctor needs blood sample to monitor the effectiveness of their antibiotics...dgn hidung ade oxygen tiub, mulut pun masuk tiub....( bila irma dah dpt bwk blik bb, irma kira EACH hand and feet dia ade 1 dozen bekas cucuk amik darah!!!)
masa tuh, the only closest thing of a mother love yg irma bole bg is breastmilk. sbb bb dlm incubator, tak bole nak dukung, belai. sbb tu irma kelam kabut call akak minta nasihat sbb i need to produce breastmilk asap to send to my bb yg dlm icu. alhamdulillah my set B mmg still byk lagi, after delivery mmg quickly consume all the supplement and alhamdulillah plus ur advice to encourage me....tq kak.
in the icu my bb kena puasa bout 5 days...tapi irma hantar je ebm as soon irma dah dpt perah. mcm akak advice, irma pumping ikut jadual to make sure milk supply, sbb irma tak dpt stimulation from bb, dgn sedih bb kat icu, dgn nak recover post delivery...mmg challeging nak stabil kan mood and tenang kan hati...doa je la penawar disamping usaha menyihatkan bdn cepat2 dgn suplement and madu. nurse kat icu pernah tegur irma, "awak hantar ni, susu bdn ke?, banyaknye...(sbb every morning and evening irma pegi hospital hantar susu yg irma dah separatekan 1oz each container, hantar dlm 5-6 bekas each visits) at that point irma tau that my supplement intake has gives me its benefits!
now, my bb is healthy, eventhough doctor said he's lungs is still sensitive until he turn 1 year old, irma tau yang insya'allah my bb is given the best antibiotics ever, my BREASTMILK!! to help protect him, with Allah grace and mercy....Now after 1 month old, my bb gain 1 kg of weight, considering the 1st week dia kena puasa, so secara tepatnye, in 3 weeks shj dia dah gain 1 kg!
my third delivery ni mmg full of bittersweet experience, tapi satu pengajarannye...irma dah semakin displin amik supplement, masa preggy ade juga ponteng2 amik supplement sbb malas/lupa...hehehe
tq Allah for His mercy and love, tq akak for ur knowledgable kind advices ,may Allah bless u with the hardworks u put in breastfeeding awareness towards all mothers...please keep in touch kak nadia...love you!
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* Ummi sentiasa mendoakan anak irma akan terus membesar sihat seperti kanak2 lain....Aminnnnn...
* Anda ingin tahu apa yg Puan Irma amalkan bagi memastikan badannya cepat recover dan babynya mendapat khasiat yang sama dari supplement yg di amalkannya????Sms ummi di 012-3975808 atau email ummi di nadeeyya_kk@yahoo.com...
* Anda ingin tahu apa yg Puan Irma amalkan bagi memastikan badannya cepat recover dan babynya mendapat khasiat yang sama dari supplement yg di amalkannya????Sms ummi di 012-3975808 atau email ummi di nadeeyya_kk@yahoo.com...
Salam sayang dan ukhuwah,
Kak Nadia...
bermacam2 usaha kak dela dh buat perubatan moden dan kampung... namun belum rezeki. Apa2 pun terima kasih comment nadia tu.... mmg tengah berusaha tanpa rasa jemu... :)